This is what I wore in Selina&Andi's wedding party. :D
I give you all a secret..this is for the first time I use make-up on my face on wedding party....uwaaaa feel so embarassing :''> ..I really hate lipstick :(( ... I swear I never use it in my lips again *unless forced to use it huhuhu ...

Wassalam :D
hwkwkwwkwkkw..pake lipstik ni yeeeeeeee...ngakak ngakak...hahahaa
BalasHapusHaha...the last time dah... -__-" malah ga bs menikmati makanan heu
BalasHapustu kan kalo dandan cantik parah :p
BalasHapusYeee..haha tp nya masih tetep jomblo :D