Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Instant Noodle

Freeze Orange

lagi seneng-senengnya motret semua yang dibikin dan dimasak sendiri. Cuma modal kamera hape Galaxy Gio, berbagai macam software edit photo for android & photoscape di laptop..hehehe Sorry for poor quality.. Really really want DSLR >.

I call it Freeze Orange

So simple...So easy....So Fresh  Bbbbrrrrrrr!!!!

Orange Syrup
Selasih Seed
ice cubs

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

Captured by camera phone

Ini bukan tentang masakan saya. Hehe..soal rasa memang bukan saya ahlinya *tutup muka* cuma lagi seneng foto makro aja...xixixixi...

Tumis kangkung

tempe goreng

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Vector Cartoon For Chocitta Isti

Heii ^_^
It's new vector again for my friend Isti. She has asked me to make vector since last month but I just started working on last Saturday. heheehe sorry Isti... I just drawing when I'm in mood ^___^

And...thi is it :D TARAAAA!!!!

behind the scene of my laptop :-*

final result

Hope you like it Isti :D

Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

Dhave Dhanang : Vector

Try to make his vector xoxoxo
Dhave Dhanang
CorelDraw X4

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012


I knew that as human, we need each other, we called friends.. But I think it's better if I don't ... They made me addicted and weak ...

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Vector Cartoon : My Graduation


Waktu awal bulan kemaren buka-buka folder "VECTOR PROJECT" di laptop. Dan menemukan belum ada vector cartoon wajah saya yang saya buat menggunakan coreldraw. Mencari foto diri yang pantas di vector...  yeaaahh ini membuktikan saya kurang narsis hahha

Akhirnya cuma nemu ini.. foto pas wisuda..dan taraaaaa!!! jadilah vector cartoon nya :) gara2 upload ini, beberapa temen kemudian message via fb pada request vector cartoon T.T antara seneng dan  senep gitu dehh

 perlu dikoreksi:
- MAsih Gak puas sama pewarnaan di bagian wajah
- njelimet bikin lambang Akademi Meteorologi Geofisika *lap keringet*
- njelimet bikin asesori nya huhuhu..
- mati gaya di background, akhinya pake background vector cartoon nya selina & Andi
 Wassalam :)



On 13th June ago, I got a message on facebook from my senior on academy. She asked me how to make vector. I gave her link website tutorial vector. She said that diffcult to make vector.. And finally, I offered to make  vector cartoon for her.

Her Name is Nasyithah. We usually call her "kak Itoh". I have tagged her in the photo. But still get no respon. Maybe she haven't opened her Fb yet .

Hope she like it :D



Assalamualaikum :D
Long time no see!!! hehehe. A lot of story of June...sampai-sampai bingung mau nulis yang mana dulu..tiba-tiba udah akhir bulaan aja. Oh ya bulan ini beberapa teman request vektor cartoon =__=" . Pengennya sih di bisnis-in. Tapi kalau sama teman sendiri gini saya ga enak mau narik bayaran padahal pengennya sih per vector 60 rb gitu muraaah kan :D saya kirimin deh file asli coreldraw biar mereka bisa nyetak sendiri gituuu...huhuhu memang saya ini gak bakat banget dah bisnis  T.T Ok!forget about business..

Anyway...I made some vectors of me this month. And this is one of line-art vector of me. I've just made it for about 2hr.


Kecup basah :-*